Share your ritualised modalities of resistance or your vernacular subterranean style in one of the most mainstream forms of pop journalism on the internet today: a listicle.
Critical concepts: subcultural style, symbolic meaning, rituals of resistance.
Creative task: create a listicle.
Author: Dr Jodie Taylor, SAE Creative Media Institute
What’s your style?
Do you have a unique way of making and participating in culture?
Are you a member of a particular scene or subculture? Or do you have an eye for identifying style, decoding participation rituals or subcultural slang?
Then why not share your ritualised modalities of resistance or your vernacular subterranean style in one of the most mainstream forms of pop journalism on the internet today: a listicle.
Don’t know what a listicle is? Think Buzzfeed or just google it.
The listicle as literary form
Every form of writing has its established conventions, and writers have to learn the nature of those conventions as they go. I’ve written scientific summaries, academic articles, journalistic essays, and a book, but these days, as a language columnist for online publications the Week and Mental Floss, I mostly write listicles.
5 ways the listicle is changing journalism
The journalistic lexicon has a new entry; the ‘listicle’, describing a list-based article. From The Sunday Times ‘100 Best Companies’ to Buzzfeed’s ’31 Thing You Can Make Out of Cereal Boxes’, listicles are equally beloved for their condensed information format and online virility and decried as lazy journalism for the perennial lunchtime ‘news snacker’.
As the above definition suggests, a listicle is a cross between a list and and article, something like “6 Steps to Steampunk Success” or “The 9 Normcore No Nos” (alliteration optional – that’s a joke). Here’s some examples to get you thinking.
5 Ways to Be a Punk – wikiHow Fun
If you’re a fierce individualist who has a bone to pick with the profit-driven world, you might be a punk. Here’s a quick primer on punk fashion, lifestyle and music. Have the state of mind. Punk means to not care what other people say…
33 Signs You Might Be a Hippy
Before any hippy (also spelled hippie) gets offended, I will clarify that every single one of these things applied to me when I was in a certain phase of life I would call my “hippy days.” I’m allowed to make fun of hippies like Jeff Foxworthy is allowed to make fun of rednecks.
Check out Rebels Market to find out what alternative and subculturally inspired fashion and lifestyle accessories you might need to include in your listicle.
Best Alternative Clothing Brands & Stores in One Place – RebelsMarket
In today’s society, we are told that we need to follow the crowd to be “Cool”. We believe the world is ready to wake up to new thoughts and ideas. It is time to break the mold! RebelsMarket is on a mission is to ensure we give you access to coveted aesthetic and alternative fashion that aligns with who you are.
Search iTune or Amazon for subcultural compilations like ‘essential goth’ or ‘all-time greatest gangster rap’.
Find out what all the cool kidz are saying….
Subcultural English | Macmillan Dictionary Blog
Welcome to our subcultural English page. During the month of October, we’ll be discussing the topics of subcultures and sublanguages in English. On this page you will find a growing list of resources regarding the topic of subcultural English.
Check out this listing of style created by Rob Dobi, called Your Scene Sucks. It delivers an extensive series of styles in pictorial form. Many of which I’ve never heard of. Your listicle doesn’t have to be purely text-based. Why not find a picture or use one of these as a starting point for your listicle.
Your Scene Sucks: Know Your Stereotype Styles [35 Images]
So how do you dress? I mean, do you have a strict style that you always go for? Lord knows there are a ton of different styles out there, and for some people, it’s hard picking one since it comes with a whole lifestyle most of the time.
For those who don’t think they have anything to ‘listiclize’ (note invention of new term) then why not do a little digging on the Internet and make a listicle for an historic or uncanny scene or subculture just for fun. Who knows what spectacular sites and participatory rites you might uncover.