Subcultural Style-isticles

Share your ritualised modalities of resistance or your vernacular subterranean style in one of the most mainstream forms of pop journalism on the internet today: a listicle.
A blog by Jodie Taylor
Share your ritualised modalities of resistance or your vernacular subterranean style in one of the most mainstream forms of pop journalism on the internet today: a listicle.
Subcultures Subcultures Members of a subculture—punks, goths, b-boys, etc.— distinguish themselves from the dominant culture through shared styles of dress, taste in music, leisure practices and modes of media consumption. And since the 1970s, critical cultural theory has argued that … READ MORE
The mainstream is a value-laden category that frequently derives its meaning in association with its multiple corollaries such as counter-culture, subculture, underground, indie, folk, alternative, experimental and avant-garde. In this lesson, we problematise our perceptions of mainstream culture and examine … READ MORE