
Pomo Poster task

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Post(er)modernism: Make a poster about postmodernism
Critical concepts: postmodernism, deconstruction, collage, cut and paste.
Creative task: make a postmodern poster or infographic.
Author: Dr Jodie Taylor, SAE Creative Media Institute.


Once you have completed the lesson on postmodernism, make an informative poster that provides a summary or explanation of postmodernism (examples are provided in this document).

You may choose to present information on the paradigm generally or focus on particular aspects of style or genre conventions which are of most interest to you.

It can be as simple or as complex as you like. It can be abstract, definitive, visual, or textual.


Think about the poster design and the balance of textual and visual content that you might like to use then begin searching for content. A range of examples are included in this document to help get your thinking.

Make sure you cite your sources (both images and text) somewhere on the poster itself.

Having difficulty deciding on a good place to start looking for poster text? Your prescribed readings from week one and week two is a great resource to draw upon.

When you are done, don’t forget to pin your poster to the class Pinterest board.


Here are some poster examples on the topic of postmodernism. You can be as creative as you want. These are merely suggestions, you are free to adapt this task to suit a particular aspect of postmodernism which you want to represent. Here’s what I came up with.

Can you identify and describe the various concepts, values, theories and aesthetics I am referencing in my poster above?

And here are some more random examples from the Internet.

Postmodern Movies by Category

Postmodern Movies by Category

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Got something witty to say on the subject? Why not try making a meme?

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You are free to use whatever software you like to complete the task. Or explore some of the free applications featured below.

When you are done, don’t forget to pin your poster to the class Pinterest board or share it with your peers via Twitter or the student forum of campus online.

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No worries… Here are some ‘how to’ videos that will give you a good introduction to creating infographics using web based applications.

How to Create an Infographic - Part 1: What Makes a Good Infographic?
Producing Infopics


Don’t be afraid to think outside the postmodern panopticon and remix this task. For example, if music is your thing then you could always show off your postmodern prowess by curating a playlist of postmodern music videos on youtube, like the one I’ve curated here. Just don’t forget to share it with the class via Twitter, Pinterest or the class forum.

Postmodern Music Videos