This is a comprehensive collection of authoritative journals and academic anthologies featuring current scholarship on teaching and learning theories, practices, policies, debates and technologies with a specific focus on higher education. This list has been especially curated to help fellow educators in the humanities and creative arts maintain current awareness in general and disciplinary teaching and learning scholarship. I encourage anyone with suggestions for additional titles to post a link or a title in the comments below, and hope you will continue to engage with this resource as is grows. But for now, I hope you enjoy browsing, searching and sorting through the 30+ publications below.
This is the second post in a series of dynamic collections of peer-reviewed open access research. You can find an expansive list of Open Access Journals in the Arts and Humanities and this link.


Hybrid Pedagogy is an an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal of learning, teaching, and technology that combines the strands of critical pedagogy and digital pedagogy to arrive at the best social and civil uses for technology and new media in education. It voids valorizing educational technology, but seeks to interrogate and investigate technological tools to determine their most progressive applications and invites you to an ongoing discussion that is networked and participant-driven, to an open peer reviewed journal that is both academic and collective.
Hybrid Pedagogy remains centered on praxis — the blend of theory and practice that develops with experience and reflection. Articles in this journal combine personal experience, current conversations in academia, and a theoretical foundation that presumes the value, strength, and independent thinking of all learners. As such, Hybrid Pedagogy is not ideologically neutral. The journal’s principles can be found not only in its name and in articles like “What is Hybridity?”, but also in the works of critical pedagogues like Paulo Freire and bell hooks.
Education happens everywhere — all the time — and people must be empowered to learn and teach throughout their lives. And because technology appears everywhere and is incorporated in all aspects of our lives, from the device you’re using to read this to the designed textiles you’re wearing, people must also be empowered to conscientiously evaluate the role of technology in their learning and teaching. Thus, Hybrid Pedagogy exists to explore those connections: the contact points and interconnectedness of learning, teaching, and technology in our lives. Our work is the work of advocacy — advocating for teachers, advocating for marginalized voices in education, but first and foremost advocating for students and learners.

Radical Pedagogy is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, academic journal devoted to the analysis of teaching and learning as well as the institutional, political, and social aspects of education that impact critical pedagogical theory and practice. The journal is especially concerned to address these issues within the contexts of gender, race, ethnicity, sexualities, class, space and linguistics. Radical Pedagogy is a forum committed to a critical and progressive examination of the important debates and discourses within the field.

The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy is committed to publishing original articles that propose innovative understandings and applications of critical pedagogy. The journal covers a wide range of perspectives in areas such as: diversity, popular culture, media literacy, critical praxis, and experimental methodologies.

The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice aims to add significantly to the body of knowledge describing effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment.The Journal aims to provide a forum for educational practitioners in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching and learning outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions published elsewhere.
The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication that aims to promote scholarship in the use of the Internet and web-based multimedia resources in higher education. JOLT welcomes papers on all aspects of online learning and teaching in higher education. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and the use of multimedia to improve online learning; instructional design theory and its application to online learning; online learning and teaching projects and initiatives; use of emerging web-based tools and technologies in online education; blending of online and face-to-face teaching modes; networked learning using mobile devices; innovative online learning and teaching strategies and practices.

The International Journal of Learning and Media (IJLM) provides a forum for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to examine the changing relationships between learning and media across a wide range of forms and settings. Our focus is particularly, but by no means exclusively, on young people, and we understand learning in broad terms to include informal and everyday contexts as well as institutions such as schools. We are especially interested in the broader social and cultural dimensions of these issues and in new and emerging media technologies, forms, and practices. We are particularly keen to promote international and intercultural exchange and dialogue in the field and encourage contributions from a variety of academic disciplines and perspectives, including papers from practitioners and policy-makers.

Research in Learning Technology is the peer reviewed Open Access journal of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). It aims to raise the profile of research in learning technology, encouraging research that informs good practice and contributes to the development of policy. The journal publishes papers concerning the use of technology in learning and teaching in all sectors of education, as well as in industry.

IJEA is an open access platform for scholarly dialogue. Our commitment is to the highest forms of research and scholarship invested in the significances of the arts in education and the education within the arts. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research-based field studies including, aesthetics, art theory, music education, visual arts education, drama education, dance education, media education, education in literature, and narrative and holistic integrated studies that cross or transcend these fields.

The McGill Journal of Education (MJE) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access, bilingual scholarly journal published three times a year. Embracing a broad conception of education, the MJE is dedicated to connecting educational research, theory, policy and practice by inviting thoughtful and critical submissions from scholars and practitioners working in diverse areas of education and learning in Quebec, Canada and internationally. These include formal, non-formal, informal, or incidental forms of teaching and learning; from preschool to adult education; in a range of social settings within and outside of school, and community/popular education contexts. The journal welcomes critical discussion and debate on issues in education through its regular and guest themed issues. Recent themes have included such topics as: Canadian education, Quebec education, Indigenous education, evolution education, mentoring, learning in social action, schools and the courts, student engagement, young people and media, and narrative. A primary goal of the MJE is to open spaces for the exchange of ideas across disciplinary boundaries and among diverse audiences (academic, practitioner, broader public). For this purpose, the journal will feature avenues for peer-reviewed (blind review) and non-peer-reviewed (editorial) publications and discussion forums; the journal also publishes book reviews. Another of its major goals is to provide a window on developments in education and learning in the Quebec context as well as throughout Francophonie by encouraging English- and French-language submissions. MJE is also committed to supporting the work of emerging scholars.

Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT) publishes peer-reviewed scholarly and practice-based articles associated with the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). The intent is to challenge conference presenters to convert the essence of their peer-reviewed sessions into essay form for a wide readership interested in teaching improvement practices in higher education. CELT is indexed in ERIC, the database of the Education Resources Information Center.

Academic institutions are starting to recognize the growing public interest in digital humanities research, and there is an increasing demand from students for formal training in its methods. Despite the pressure on practitioners to develop innovative courses, scholarship in this area has tended to focus on research methods, theories and results rather than critical pedagogy and the actual practice of teaching.
The essays in this collection offer a timely intervention in digital humanities scholarship, bringing together established and emerging scholars from a variety of humanities disciplines across the world. The first section offers views on the practical realities of teaching digital humanities at undergraduate and graduate levels, presenting case studies and snapshots of the authors’ experiences alongside models for future courses and reflections on pedagogical successes and failures. The next section proposes strategies for teaching foundational digital humanities methods across a variety of scholarly disciplines, and the book concludes with wider debates about the place of digital humanities in the academy, from the field’s cultural assumptions and social obligations to its political visions.
Digital Humanities Pedagogy broadens the ways in which both scholars and practitioners can think about this emerging discipline, ensuring its ongoing development, vitality and long-term sustainability.

ASEAN Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (AJTLHE) is devoted to the dissemination of information on teaching and learning in higher educational context. It is published twice a year (January & July) on the Web. AJTLHE is a fully refereed electronic open access journal that publishes articles, research studies, reports and book reviews related to teaching and learning in higher education.

The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology is the journal of ascilite, the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. It aims to promote research and scholarship on the integration of technology in tertiary education, promote effective practice, and inform policy. Please see About-Focus and Scope for a more detailed description of the scope of the journal.
InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching is a scholarly publication designed to highlight the work of postsecondary faculty. It is a refereed scholarly journal published annually by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Park University.
InSight emphasizes the enhancement of post-secondary education through the professional exchange of scholarly approaches and perspectives applicable to the enrichment of teaching and learning. Relevant to this mission, articles are geared toward post-secondary faculty and administrators; included in this audience are full-time and adjunct faculty; face-to-face, hybrid and online faculty; tenure and non-tenure track instructors; trainers in corporate, military, and professional fields; adult educators; researchers; and other specialists in education, training, and communications.
Recognizing the cross-disciplinary readership of InSight, articles present material generalizable enough to have relevance to post-secondary instructors from a range of disciplines.

The Journal of Learning Design is an open-access peer-reviewed multidisciplinary forum. Its focus is on the systematic study and investigation of pedagogy and learning design in higher education, with a focus on the innovative use of technology. The scope is unlimited in terms of discipline areas addressed and in technologies investigated. The readership of the journal is interested in the design of learning experiences for higher education students in online, blended and offline learning environments.

eCULTURE is an annual conference conducted at Edith Cowan University. This conference provides staff and students with the opportunity to showcase innovation in the field of learning and teaching. It encourages scholarship in teaching, the demonstration of best practice and facilitates the exchange of ideas. The focus is on previously unpublished research, case studies and best practice show cases in the field of learning and teaching.

Student Success: A journal exploring the experiences of students in tertiary education Student Success (formally the International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education) is a biannual, open access, peer-reviewed journal with one issue linked to the International STARS Conference.
This Journal provides the opportunity to disseminate current research and innovative good practices about students’ tertiary learning experiences. Researchers, tertiary teachers and professional staff who are advancing student learning, success and retention in the tertiary sector are encouraged to submit.
with new ideas, methodologies or discoveries that might be risky but have potential to open up new avenues in the field of learning and instruction. Frontline Learning Research is an open-access electronic-only journal that publishes articles on issues and trends occurring internationally in research on learning and educational sciences. Among others, the journal focuses on articles in the following fields of research: research on learning and instruction in formal and informal contexts, multidisciplinary research on learning and learning environments, new theoretical and methodological approaches in learning sciences, insights into learning research from disciplines other than educational sciences or psychology (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, sociology). FLR also welcomes commentaries aimed at triggering discussion about important theoretical and methodological questions about the published articles. Indicatively, the following research is encouraged to submit its work to Frontline Learning Research: · Studies focusing on issues and ideas encountered in relatively new fields, lacking a long line of research. This lack of well-developed theoretical framings and of articulated theoretical constructs and ideas, provides an avenue for initiating useful and productive scientific discussion on a range of issues. These include internal inconsistencies, phenomena which appear inconsistent with the predictions derived from the corresponding theoretical framework and available empirical evidence, indicating flaws in underlying assumptions or premises · Studies seeking to make connections between previously unconnected established lines of research so as to integrate different theoretical frameworks · Studies using an innovative research methodology that offers a different perspective on how to conceptualise and pursue certain research questions.
Founded in 2001, the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) is a forum for the dissemination of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in higher education for the community of teacher-scholars. Our peer reviewed Journal promotes SoTL investigations that are theory-based and supported by evidence. JoSoTL's objective is to publish articles that promote effective practices in teaching and learning and add to the knowledge base. The themes of the Journal reflect the breadth of interest in the pedagogy forum. The themes of articles include:Data-driven studies: formal research projects with appropriate statistical analysis, formal hypotheses and their testing, etc. These studies are either with a quantitative or qualitative emphasis and authors should indicate the appropriate domain. Acceptable articles establish a research rigor that leads to significant new understanding in pedagogy.Reviews: Literature reviews illuminating new relationships and understanding, meta-analysis, analytical and integrated reviews, etc.Case studies: To be considered a case study, a manuscript should focus on an intense analysis of a specific teaching situation or problem that led to a solution. Case studies should have the following components: description of the teaching situation or problem, solution or solutions attempted, quantitative or qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the solution, reflection on the implications and possible generalization to other settings or populations.Invited Comments: Comments about previously published manuscripts.Invited Essays: Discussion of a topic not tied to a previously published manuscript.
Mountain Rise is particularly interestednin publishing articles that fit our mission to provide relevant and cutting edge SOTL to an international audience in higher education. There are several general SOTL journals out there, and we believe that we stand apart because of our emphasis on pushing the envelope in terms of form, content, and method for SOTL. Although we accept good SOTL of any kind, we particularly welcome SOTL that challenges our conventional ideas of scholarship in teaching and learning.Articles are to focus upon research in any area of pedagogy or focus upon current issues in teaching & learning and the practical implications of that research for teaching and learning in higher education. Some possible directions include but are not limited to the following:Explain a particular problem in teaching and/or the learning experience and, based upon research, provide a solution with justification and results and how those results are to be understoodPresent a personal case study or pedagogical problem, how and why it was researched as it was, the results, and the evaluation of those results with suggestions for further changesExplain the perspectives and expectations of students today on teaching & learning based upon measured investigation, interviews, etc. and what are their reasons and the implications of those perspectives for faculty

Transformative Dialogues (TD) is a forum for conversations intended to foster the improvement of teaching and learning in post-secondary education. TD facilitates the multi-disciplinary intellectual debate and inquiry, exchange of ideas, actions, and results of innovative and professional practice in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. These conversations are intended to span a wide range of reflections on the processes of teaching and learning ranging from the scholarly to scholarship. The international dialogues are focused on improving faculty and, therefore, student learning, and critical thought processes in their current and future lifelong learning. The editorial board recognizes that scholarship may play out differently in different disciplines, but, as Ernest Boyer pointed out in Scholarship Reconsidered (1992), the basic principles should be consistent.The journal promotes the principle that strategies, techniques and methods of teaching and learning transcend the boundaries of specific subject fields. TD welcomes relevant contributions from diverse settings such as academia, vocational training, continuing professional development, workplace learning, selected commercial exemplars, and social networking via interactive technologies.

Cogent Education is a fully peer-reviewed, open access, international scholarly journal. It's mission is to help researchers publish their work for a global audience and discover new and exciting connections. Cogent Education considers original research articles and review articles in any of the following branches of educational research: • Curriculum & Teaching Studies • Educational Assessment & Evaluation • Educational Leadership & Management • Education Policy • Educational Psychology & Counselling • Information & Communications • International & Comparative Education • Professional Education & Training • Student Learning, Childhood & Voices • Teacher Education & Development.

The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL) publishes high quality scholarship that addresses the teaching and learning interests of universities and colleges across Canada. Consistent with the goals of STLHE, CJSoTL is a trans-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal designed to: establish a scholarly forum for the exchange of ideas and information about teaching and learning; encourage the sustainable advancement of teaching and learning capacity and scholarship; facilitate the development and dissemination of scholarly activity that sheds new light on student learning and teaching practice; expand the recognition of teaching and learning excellence, innovation, and scholarship; and provide an infrastructure for the encouragement, promotion, modeling, and sharing of the scholarship of teaching and learning across all Canadian post-secondary institutions.
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL) publishes relevant, interesting, and challenging peer-reviewed articles of research, analysis, or promising practice related to all aspects of implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in K–12 and post-secondary classrooms. For over 40 years, researchers have lacked an outlet for sharing their findings with other educators and scholars who were interested in problem-based learning (PBL) as a pedagogical method. In the past, when educational journals published problem-based learning research, they did so with a single focus on the use of PBL in the specific discipline they represented. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL) remedies this problem by offering a forum for all PBL research across disciplines. This scholarly journal publishes relevant information about problem-based learning pedagogy and is the first, and only, journal of its kind.

The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ISSN 1812-9129) provides a forum for higher education faculty, staff, administrators, researchers, and students who are interested in improving post-secondary instruction. The IJTLHE provides broad coverage of higher education pedagogy and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) across diverse content areas, educational institutions, and levels of instructional expertise. The specific emphasis of IJTLHE is the dissemination of knowledge for improving higher education pedagogy. Electronic distribution of IJTLHE maximizes global availability.

Kairos is a refereed open-access online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. The aim of Kairos is to scholarship that examines digital and multimodal composing practices, promoting work that enacts its scholarly argument through rhetorical and innovative uses of new media. Now in its 16th year of continuous publication, Kairos is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in English Studies, made so by its dedication to academic quality through the journal’s extensive peer-review and editorial production processes.We publish 'webtexts,' which are texts authored specifically for publication on the WorldWide Web. Webtexts are scholarly examinations of topics related to technology in English Studies fields (e.g., rhetoric, composition, technical and professional communication, education, creative writing, language and literature) and related fields such as media studies, informatics, arts technology, and others. Besides scholarly webtexts, Kairos publishes teaching-with-technology narratives, reviews of print and digital media, extended interviews with leading scholars, interactive exchanges, 'letters' to the editors, and news and announcements of interest.

The Journal of Music History Pedagogy is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open-access, on-line journal dedicated to the publication of original articles and reviews related to teaching music history of all levels (undergraduate, graduate, or general studies) and disciplines (western, non-western, concert and popular musics). The JMHP holds no single viewpoint on what constitutes good teaching and endorses all types of scholarship on music history pedagogy that are well-researched, objective, and challenging. The JMHP is a publication of the Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society; it is indexed in RILM and DOAJ.

This is a Creative Commons book which examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching.The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success.

Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is an international inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal. This interactive, open-access web-published journal is for those interested in digital culture and education. The journal is devoted to analysing the impact of digital culture on identity, education, art, society, culture and narrative within social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.

The Alberta Journal of Educational Research is a quarterly peer-reviewed educational journal for the dissemination of educational research findings, and a forum for the discussion of issues in education. The journal is devoted to the dissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms of systematic inquiry into education and fields related to or associated with education.

The Journal of Education is a scholarly peer-reviewed, publication, with an Editorial Review Board comprised of eminent scholars. The journal is dedicated to knowledge in the service of practice, with a focus on scholarship that informs practice, and on the ways practice provides direction to scholarship. Our current mission is to disseminate knowledge that informs practice in K-12 and professional education.

TEXT, Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, AAWP, Australian Association of Writing Programs, Australasian Association of Writing Programs, TEXT April 2016, TEXT Vol 20 No 1, Text Journal, Creative Writing, University, Tertiary, Exegesis, Teaching Creative Writing, Creative Degrees, Creative Research, Creative PhD, Creative Doctorate

Established in 2000, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) and is co-sponsored by four other teacher education associations. It is an interactive electronic journal, capable of incorporating into its articles video, sound, animated images, and simulations, as well as ongoing dialog about issues that advance the field. Articles published in Current Issues are more conceptual and theoretical in nature — related either to general technology use or discipline-specific technology use. They may also address significant policy and practice issues. Articles may address any area of technology and teacher education.

Student Success: A journal exploring the experiences of students in tertiary education, is a biannual, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal with one issue linked to the International STARS Conference. This Journal provides the opportunity to disseminate current research and innovative good practices about students’ tertiary learning experiences. Researchers, tertiary teachers and professional staff who are advancing student learning, success and retention in the tertiary sector are encouraged to submit.

RADICAL TEACHER, founded in 1975, is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. The magazine examines the root causes of inequality and promotes progressive social change. RADICAL TEACHER publishes articles on classroom practices and curriculum, as well as on educational issues related to gender and sexuality, disability, culture, globalization, privatization, race, class, and other similar topics. We welcome inquiries and ideas for articles, issues, or conferences from people actively engaged in progressive education. Radical Teacher is a peer-reviewed journal.

Research and professional knowledge about media literacy education from the United States and around the world, the Journal of Media Literacy Education is the official peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE).

Journal of Educational and Social Research", published by MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research in Rome is a professional, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing high-quality scientific articles in the fields of education and social sciences.

International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for VET-related research. It is the official organ of the European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training. This journal provides full open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The IJoTE is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal freely available online. The aim of the IJoTE is to publish articles that contribute significantly to the body of knowledge. It publishes both theoretical and empirical articles and case studies relating to teaching & education, higher education, e-learning, distance education and related disciplines. Published articles use scientific research methods, including experimental methods, case studies and historical analysis.
The IJoTE may target scientists, researchers, professors, students and policy makers focused on teaching & education, higher education, e-learning, distance education and related domains.

This bi-annual peer-reviewed journal publishes scholarly articles on the theory and practice of higher education in the context of the private sector. It aims to provide current perspectives of benefit to educators, scholars, students, practitioners, policy-makers and consultants. Topics covered include: higher education policy and practice; teaching, learning and curriculum design; quality assurance; postgraduate education; academic leadership and management; and academic work. Article formats include, but are not restricted to, traditional academic research articles, comparative reviews and critically reflective case studies as well as empirically-based papers. Papers adopting inter-disciplinary and comparative international perspectives are particularly encouraged.
The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology is the journal of ASCILITE, the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. It aims to promote research and scholarship on the integration of technology in tertiary education, promote effective practice, and inform policy.

The journal aims to provide a forum for the discussion of human creativity in all of its complexity - its recognition, correlates, determinants, possibilities for its encouragement and development - analyzed from the point of view of education, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, etc. Moreover, the journal will discuss issues of creative potential as well as actual creative achievements (everyday and eminent creativity). It will also consider methodological and statistical issues regarding quantitative and qualitative creativity studies in various countries. The journal is a platform for positive confrontation of the various ways of perceiving and investigating creativity and encouraging the interparadigmatic and interdiscursive dialogue of the representatives of distinct theoretical and methodological options.

Oral presentations of scientific work and critical reflections within the Sections: Music, Theatre, Choreography, Fine Arts, Education.

REM - Research on Education and Media is devoted to research on Education and Media in the broadest sense: Media Education, e-Learning, Education Technology, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Digital Citizenship, Youth Media Consumption. The journal serves the interest of researchers, educators and teachers, and publishes original research works, case studies, systematic reviews, along with editorials and brief reports, covering recent developments in the field. Issues on Education and Media are discussed with the aim to encourage debate and stimulate new research.

BOLDE contains details of books, articles, conference papers and reports on various aspects of distance and online education, from publishers in Australia and overseas. Material is drawn from the Australian Education Index, produced by Cunningham Library, with additional material sourced from a variety of international organisations and publishers. There are currently 12,515 records in the research bank.

Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal is an open-access online journal for university teachers, researchers and students with a focus on exploring all aspects of teaching and learning in arts, design and communication. Spark is published by the Teaching and Learning Exchange twice a year.
The journal is a creative space for the UAL community to:
- share examples of excellent and/or innovative teaching and learning from across the range of disciplines and colleges at UAL;
- report the outcomes of projects undertaken on the postgraduate programme in Academic Practice in Art, Design and Communication or University-funded projects;
- engage in debate and dialogues about key issues of theory and practice in creative arts teaching and learning.

The Journal of Educators Online (JEO) is a biannual publication highlighting research in the broad area of Computer Mediated Learning (CML) which includes distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended and mobile learning. Computer-mediated learning occurs when an individual interactively learns (formally or informally, synchronously or asynchronously) about material via computer means where the learning materials and pedagogy are developed to take advantage of the available technologies.

The editors are particularly interested in receiving high-quality original research articles, informed by robust empirical and theoretical underpinnings from the fields and disciplines related to problem-based learning in higher education, particularly pedagogy, but also articles based on fields and disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and science and engineering. The journal is also interested in receiving articles that make an original practical or critical contribution to research theory and practice and knowledge and understanding of contemporary themes, developments and current thinking in problem-based learning in higher education.

Teacher Learning and Professional Development (TLPD) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that is broadly concerned with the challenges and complexities of learning to teach. We frame learning to teach as a lifelong process that includes formal pre-service and continuing education programs for teachers and a variety of informal experiences that contribute to teachers’ professional knowledge. We also recognize that the term teacher is typically taken to refer those who work as elementary or secondary school teachers; however, we adopt an holistic definition of teacher learning and professional development that includes the learning and development activities of anyone who teaches or self-identifies as a teacher. This expanded definition thus includes, but is not limited to, K-12 teachers, post-secondary teachers, adult educators, museum educators, community-based educators, coaches, and performing arts teachers. The journal welcomes research papers that shed light on issues in teacher education and professional development from a variety of methodological approaches and disciplinary lenses.

The CITE Journal is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, established and jointly sponsored by five professional associations (AMTE, ASTE, NCSS-CUFA, ELATE, and SITE). The works on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Digital Culture & Education (DCE) is an international inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exploration of digital technology’s impacts on identity, education, art, society, culture and narrative within social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts.
We are interested in empirical and conceptual approaches to theorising globalisation, development, sustainability, wellbeing, subjectivities, networks, new media, gaming, multimodality, literacies and related issues and their implications for how we educate and why. We encourage submissions in a variety of modes and invite guest editors to propose special editions.
DCE is an online, open access journal. It does not charge for article submission or for publication. All manuscripts submitted to DCE are double blind reviewed. Articles are published through a Creative Commons (CC) License and made available for viewing and download on a bespoke page at

"" is an international journal, which publishes refereed articles dealing with research into theoretical or practical aspects related to the learning of adolescents, adults and elderly, in formal or informal educational settings. The use of information and communication technologies in general in these settings is a vital field of interest for the journal.
The aim of is to raise critical issues as to how ICT and media is used in education and in society, in order to promote democratic values, equity and justice in the field of education. The journal will publish philosophical, analytical and empirical contributions, addressing various fields coined as adult education, higher education, distance education, flexible or blended education, lifelong learning, human resource development, organizational learning etc. will seek a role as an influential source for the promotion of participation and reflexivity in the social construction of the development of educational technology.

The Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education is an online peer-reviewed Journal, the central aim of which is to promote improved practice by encouraging informed debate into pedagogic and related matters in higher education.
Higher education around the world has become a major topic of discussion, debate, and controversy, as a range of political, economic, social, and technological pressures result in a myriad of changes at all levels. But the quality and quantity of critical dialogue and research and their relationship with practice remains limited.
This internationally peer-reviewed journal addresses this shortfall by focusing on the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning and higher education and covers: Higher education teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment, policy, management, leadership, and related areas; Digitization, internationalization, and democratization of higher education, and related areas such as lifelong and lifewide learning; Innovation, change, and reflections on current practices. Issues around teaching and learning, especially those discussions which seek to inform practice are encouraged, ensuring the journal has validity and relevance in the fast-change higher education landscape.

An an online peer-reviewed international academic journal exploring the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres.
The Journal of Literacy and Technology provides a free, accessible scholarly forum for all interested parties to explore and debate issues pertinent to novel literacies and digital culture. Part of the mission of The Journal of Literacy and Technology is to open new spheres of academic conversation, with the goal of making ideologies and assumptions apparent and considering possibilities and alternatives.

Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy (ISSN 2378-2323 print, ISSN 2378-2331 online) is the first open access, peer reviewed journal focused on the intersection of popular culture and pedagogy. While some open access journals charge a publication fee for authors to submit, Dialogue is committed to creating and maintaining a scholarly journal that is accessible to all—meaning that there is no charge for either the author or the reader.
The Journal is interested in contributions that offer theoretical, practical, pedagogical, and historical examinations of popular culture, including interdisciplinary discussions and those which examine the connections between American and international cultures. In addition to analyses provided by contributed articles, the Journal also encourages submissions for guest editions, interviews, and reviews of books, films, conferences, music, and technology.

Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education is an academic forum for the study of teaching and pedagogy that focuses on the relationship between education and its socio-cultural context. Drawing upon a variety of contextualizing disciplines including cultural studies, curriculum theorizing, feminist studies, the social foundations of education, critical pedagogy, multi/interculturalism, queer theory, and symbolic interactionism, Taboo is grounded on the notion of “radical contextualization.” The journal encourages papers from a wide range of contributors who work within these general areas. As its title suggests, Taboo seeks compelling and controversial submissions.

The MEIEA Journal is a refereed scholarly work published annually by the Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association and is a resource for anyone interested in scholarly research and writing about the music and entertainment industries. The MEIEA Journal is distributed to members of MEIEA, universities, libraries, and individuals concerned with music and entertainment industry education. Articles are of business, legal, economic, technical, pedagogic, and historic significance and often reflect current issues that affect the music and entertainment industries and music and entertainment industry education. The MEIEA Journal is indexed in The Music Article Guide and The Music Index.

IDEA Papers publish peer-reviewed scholarly papers of a theoretical/conceptual and applied nature that contribute to the understanding of higher-education faculty teaching, evaluation, and development; and leadership evaluation and development.
Papers representing all aspects of teaching and academic leadership are welcomed including reflections, reviews of research, guidelines for effective practice, and research-based suggestions for improving teaching, student learning, and leadership. The series, however, does not publish papers whose primary purpose is to report the method and results of an empirical study.If you are looking for additional resources to support improved teaching and student learning, look at our IDEA Notes on Instruction and our IDEA Notes on Learning.

The Journal of Media Education is an editor-reviewed pedagogical journal published electronically four times each year by the Broadcast Education Association. Its mission is to provide resources associated with the education and employment of students in various media fields and to promote communication among educators and media professionals.

Fundamentally, research papers related to communication and education, and especially the intersection between the two fields: media education, educational media and resources, educational technology, IT and electronic resources, audiovisual, technologies... Reports, studies, proposals and review articles (state-of-the-art articles) relating to these subjects are also accepted, provided their innovative ideas and original contributions.